Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Wanna ... ☺

posted by :: Orin Rintha di 00.30 0 komentar

So, i randomly googling about old couples. And i found these pictures. All of these couples have their own story. My fav one is Norma and Gordon. 
The couple who have been married for 72 years and died holding hands. I was so amazed how they can love each other for that long and still can manage to stay romantic. 
I wanna write my own story too. 
I wanna grow old looking at the same face every morning.  I want to be one of those couples who still holding hands and laughing even after 50 years of marriage.  I know our relationship is not perfect. We fight a lot, we often get into an argument but i want to do that with you.. Dimas Suslia Novianto  :)

Wanna ... ☺


So, i randomly googling about old couples. And i found these pictures. All of these couples have their own story. My fav one is Norma and Gordon. 
The couple who have been married for 72 years and died holding hands. I was so amazed how they can love each other for that long and still can manage to stay romantic. 
I wanna write my own story too. 
I wanna grow old looking at the same face every morning.  I want to be one of those couples who still holding hands and laughing even after 50 years of marriage.  I know our relationship is not perfect. We fight a lot, we often get into an argument but i want to do that with you.. Dimas Suslia Novianto  :)


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